An Experiment in Vegetarianism

Food.  Glorious FOOD!  I love food.  Milkman sells food. We love to cook good food.  Food is a big deal in our home, and if you follow me on Instagram you will see that I am also one of those annoying people who loves to post pictures of her food (and of her beer).


So, now that we have established that you are talking to someone who really appreciates good food, I gotta tell you about one of the saddest things that happens to me during pregnancies and has thus far lasted.  No!  Not just the physical disability I struggle with on a daily basis, I can rock a cane with confidence. This has to do with food.  


I deal with constant nausea during my pregnancies and serious food aversions and even develop food allergies.  During Mamitas’ pregnancy I developed an allergy to raw powdered sugar.  It didn’t go away, I am allergic to buttercream frosting… And all uncooked frosting for that matter.  Totally sucks.  During Peach’s pregnancy, Milkman made me a lovely surf and turf Valentine’s dinner, complete with lobster tail, and guess who went all kinds of Will Smith on Hitch and had to drink benadryl while she horfed and asphyxiated?  Yeah, me.  I still can’t eat shellfish.




While I had food aversions with all 4 of my pregnancies, none have been so lousy as I had with Peach, because they stuck around.  No more strong cheeses for me (for the foodie who loves her some good wine, this is tragic).  I don’t appreciate dark chocolate as much as I once did, and I’m only just getting back into cooking with onion again, recently.  But!  These things are all easily avoidable.  What is not so easily avoided is meat.  Well, guess what aversion hasn’t completely seen its way out the door?  Yup. Meat. Chicken.  Mhm, I know, super sucky.  I was just coming around to chicken when my sister cooked up some chicken breast from my freezer and the texture was something akin to chewing on boneless fingers.  I know, I know, WHAT?  Yeah, it was nasty.  And I can’t hang with chicken ever since.


I have been toying with going vegetarian on and off for a while.  I had a vegan stint back in college (didn’t we all?), but I can’t live without dairy and eggs, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to go vegan again.  However, the idea of meatless is appealing.  We’ve been doing Meatless Monday’s for a while, and we are always pleasantly pleased at how we don’t miss the meat, but Milkman is a fan of meat, so he’s not been in agreement with us all going vegetarian!  This lead me to make the following proposition to Milkman:  What if we go Vegetarian as a family, just for the first 2 weeks of June?  This way we can see how we like it, maybe it’ll make us want to go Veggie for a little longer, or maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder and I’ll be healed of my meat aversion.  He thought it was a great idea!


So!  Starting in a week, the Cradle household will be meatless for 2 weeks.  Don’t worry, I wont turn into a total hippy during this time.




However, I am looking forward to the challenge of breaking out of my comfort zone with cooking, and making new dishes.  I’ll probably become super annoying on IG with even more food pictures, but I promise I won’t be like one of those diet people on IG, because I won’t be judging what you eat, and it won’t all be health food.  I do love me some cheese!


Anyways, do you have a favorite Vegetarian dish you can share with me?  I need some inspiration!  Must be flavorful, hearty, and satisfying!  Are you now, or have you ever gone Vegetarian for a period of time?  Teach me your ways.